Price Interest point (Pip) is the term used in currency market to represent the smallest price increment in a currency. It is often referred to as ticks or points in the market. In EUR/USD, a movement from .9018 to .9019 is one pip. In USD/JPY, a movement from 128.50 to 128.51 is one pip.
Pip Values – according to your trading platform from $7.00 to $10.00 USD.
Pip Spreads – according to your trading platform from 3 to 20 pips.
The trading volume measures how much “money” is being traded. During some types of news breaks and when the New York’s exchange is open, the volume is obviously higher. The volume indicates us that more things can change. There no real strong correlation for volume, good trades is being developed even when the Forex volume is relatively low.
Buying and Selling short
Buying = term to use when buying a currency pair to open a trade.
Selling short = term to use when selling a currency pair to open a trade.
Both terms, refer to things we do to open a trade.
On the other hand, to exit a trade, you will have to use the terms “selling” and “buying-back”. The term “selling” refers to what we do to exit a trade that initially started by “buying”. The term “buying-back” refers to what we do to exit a trade that initially started by “selling-short”.
Basically the term, “selling-short” can be referred to the futures and commodities market. For instance the mentality of buying a field to plant vegetables that will grow in the future is the same thing than buying a currency and to predict that it will eventually go short.
Bid/Ask Spread
A spread is the difference between the bid and the ask price. The bid price is the price at which you may sell your currency pair for. The ask price is the price at which you must buy the currency pair. The ask price is always higher then the bid price. Profits in the market are made from charging the ask price for a currency pair and buying it from someone else at the bid price.
The bid/ask spread increases when there is uncertainty about what is going to happen in the market.
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